- 2022-05-08 08:00:04 腾讯健康
- 健康
On the evening of May 4, with various drug-decocting machines, over 40 medical workers of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) were working overtime with the careful production of TCM decoctions to help prevent and control the resurgence of COVID-19 in Zhengzhou, capital of Central China's Henan province.
At 10:30 pm the same day, the first batch of 3,000 bags of TCM decoctions were distributed to the designated sites.
At 6 am the next day, a total of 24,000 bags (12,000 doses) of TCM decoctions were distributed to some controlled areas and frontline anti-pandemic workers.
Working overnight, the medical workers at the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of TCM successfully finished the production and distribution of 30,000 bags (15,000 doses) of anti-pandemic TCM decoctions.
Those TCM decoctions were made according to the prescriptions of the anti-pandemic experts of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of TCM, which contributed a lot to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the past.
中文来源/大河网 记者/祝传鹏 编译/赵汉青 审校/陈行洁
责编:赵惜辰 审核:姜秋霞
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